Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today the pastor at the church I am going to talked about greed.  It was a bit different than I thought it would be, it was about our selfishness in abundance.  He used Luke 12:13-34, on the parable of the rich fool and on how we are not to worry.  The rich fool was so greedy with his abundance of grain that he build bigger barns and told himself to relax and not worry.  He relied on his supplies instead of God.  We can rely on ourselves and things, but we will always want more and become greedy for more.

It reminded me of my journey to Biola.  Everything came into place in His timing and clearly by His hand.  He provided the place that I live and the job that I work at.  I worked hard to find these things while I was still in Washington, but I can clearly see that it was God's hand that made everything come together so wonderfully.  I am reminded of His blessings and abundance to me and cannot take any credit for myself.

The most recent blessing that I received from Him was my promotion at my job.  I didn't even know that the position was open and God directed that supervisor to me!  They wanted me and they weren't looking at anyone else.  I felt that it was the same message as before: blessings are to bring glory to God, not praise for myself.  I can't take credit for anything.  I have worked hard, but it has been God who has blessed me.

Anyways, I just wanted to share what I learned today.  I'm going to make some spaghetti squash, I've been wanting some all day!  I'll leave with a picture of the awesome new yarn that I am using for my new knitting project:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Visiting with Grandma Plus Some Exciting News!!!!

This weekend my grandma came down from Seattle to visit.  I picked her up on Thursday night and Richie took her to grandparent's day at Biola the next day.  I took her to BJs and she had her first pzookie, white chocolate macadamia nut!

Saturday I had breakfast at Corner Bakery with Grandma and Richie.  We drove around a while before deciding to play skip-bo in my backyard.  My parents spend a good amount of time trying to get Grandma a flight home after finding out that her first flight was delayed and would not get her to her connecting flight in time.  We ate lunch at Cafe Verones before dropping her off at the airport.  It was a great weekend, but I knew that I needed to start on my homework right away!

I haven't cooked anything exciting recently, I was busy and had plenty of leftovers.  I did get quite a bit of food from my parents when they were down here, which was awesome!  The veggies were all cut up already, all I had to do was chop up some garlic and throw it all on the stove.  I did make a chicken and ranch mix casserole this week.  It required rice, milk, and water, but I added garlic and onions for more flavor.  It's really good and I'd make it again!

I've noticed that the biggest thing that bothers me in my finance class is my professor's white board skills (or lack thereof).  He erases the board with his hands and does a sloppy job working through the problems.  He tries to draw a math problem, it doesn't work to well :P  I'm just thankful that we don't have a chalkboard XP

So, my exciting news...I'm getting promoted to a new job at my work!  I'll be working with different people, but I know a few of them already.  They approached me about 2 weeks ago, I didn't even know about it until they asked me if I was interested!  I feel so blessed and humbled and excited!!!!  I start in a few weeks, but I'll be helping out with tellers until they hire more people, can't leave them short now can I.

Anyways, that's what been going on in my life.  I'll try to be more proactive about posting, but I can't promise anything.

Until next time!